Hello and welcome!
About me:
I am an independent photographer, based in Switzerland.
Trained as a lawyer, I worked in private practice and later as senior legal counsel in a multinational environment. Although photography always was my main hobby, over the years I started doing more and more demanding assignments which made me decide to commit myself full time to my passion for photography.
To keep up with the technical requirements, I followed workshops with well known photographers.
During my stay in Portugal (2014-2016) I also did a couple of tranings at the Lisbon School of Photography. (IPF - Instituto Portguês de Fotografia) and at Institut Nicéphore once returned to Switzerland. So with that I am not a full 'autodidact' but I still firmly believe that now I master the technology, self learning and criticism is very important to keep growing and improving.
My photography journey started with landscape and architecture photography and at a later stage with the photography of people.
Photographing people can be as basic as a (corporate) headshot, but fortunately I witness my clients in many different settings, from a wedding to a family portrait session, from events and parties to sports.
If you want to know more about the services I deliver, please drop me a note and I will get back to you. I prefer to meet and show you my portfolio and better understand what you like me to do for you. Although this website is in english, I also speak French, German and dutch (my mother tongue).
For me photography remains a personal and passionate activity and it should never become a routine. My clients are just too important to allow the routine taking over.
I am an independent photographer, based in Switzerland.
Trained as a lawyer, I worked in private practice and later as senior legal counsel in a multinational environment. Although photography always was my main hobby, over the years I started doing more and more demanding assignments which made me decide to commit myself full time to my passion for photography.
To keep up with the technical requirements, I followed workshops with well known photographers.
During my stay in Portugal (2014-2016) I also did a couple of tranings at the Lisbon School of Photography. (IPF - Instituto Portguês de Fotografia) and at Institut Nicéphore once returned to Switzerland. So with that I am not a full 'autodidact' but I still firmly believe that now I master the technology, self learning and criticism is very important to keep growing and improving.
My photography journey started with landscape and architecture photography and at a later stage with the photography of people.
Photographing people can be as basic as a (corporate) headshot, but fortunately I witness my clients in many different settings, from a wedding to a family portrait session, from events and parties to sports.
If you want to know more about the services I deliver, please drop me a note and I will get back to you. I prefer to meet and show you my portfolio and better understand what you like me to do for you. Although this website is in english, I also speak French, German and dutch (my mother tongue).
For me photography remains a personal and passionate activity and it should never become a routine. My clients are just too important to allow the routine taking over.